Gdesk v0.35(4) S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Signed {Turn Ur S60v5 Device Into S^3 Device}

GDesk is a customizable and extendable desktop system for Symbian 5th editions devices. Icons can be placed on the desktop representing applications, page links and plug-ins; these can then be launched by tapping them. Plug-ins can be added at any time and as required; further plug-in functionality will be provided over time.

* Disabled periodic updates of all plugin icons, if GDesk in background.
* Fixed icon placement bug, when adding/replacing app/other on scrolled page

Symbian^3 Gdesk design: Credits to MrGlenneke

This design turns your S60v5 device into a Symbian^3 device. Don't use it for your own design. Install the files inside Music Widget.rar for the music player (credits to zavenfoizon)

- There is a Bluetooth and Wifi indicator, next will be LED Clock
- LED Clock, Charging indicator, Bluetooth and WiFi indicator are also shortcuts to Bluetooth and Wifi
- I've also uploaded the portrait bar and landscape bar if you want to add one.

Video demo:

Installation notes:
- Sign and Install gDesk.sis
- Sign and Install the 3 files inside the music wigests.rar folder.
- Transfer the S^3 gdd file and open it via gdesk.....Enjoy!!!
If the theme doesn't work properly then install these plugin and try again. It should work fine then

S60v5 Edition
Nokia 5228, Nokia 5230, Nokia 5230 Nuron, Nokia 5235 Comes With Music Edition, Nokia 5250, Nokia 5530 XpressMusic, Nokia 5800 XpressMusic, Nokia C6-00, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Nokia X6-00

AnyHub link for"Gdesk v0.35(4) S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Signed {Turn Ur S60v5 Device Into S^3 Device} "
rar pass: wariormax

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